Friday, January 8, 2010


My baby turned four today. FOUR. She had a fantastic day - special breakfast (french toast, strawberries, whipped cream), got a visit from Auntie Amy and Laura, and sat front row at Disney Princesses on Ice.

I woke up at 615 am to her screaming "MOM! MOM! MOM!" After rushing to her room she asked, "Can I get out of bed now? I've been waiting in my bed for sixty months!!" She jumped out of bed and immediately surveyed herself to see if she had gotten bigger. Apparently you can only grow on your birthday. Satisfied that she had indeed turned into a four year old, she randownstairs for breakfast, and the fun ensued.

I can't believe she is four. I remember each of her birthdays like it was yesterday. And her sister is truckin' right along behind her, almost 16 months old. I remember my parents saying how fast it goes, but no matter how many times you hear it, nothing will prepare you for how fast it REALLY goes.

As much fun as I had with Libby at the Disney show, I wish Makenzie had been there. She is definitely too young to have enjoyed it, and probably wouldn't have even been able to sit through it...and I don't want to rush away her baby-ness (it goes quickly enough on its own!) I look forward to when she is old enough to enjoy these things. I can't wait to see the two of them together, enjoying the same things.

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