Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am so glad that spring is in sight! We are at the point in winter where I can just see spring at the end of the tunnel and am SO ready for it! I can't wait to get our garden going, leave the back door open, and let the girls run in and out of the house!!

We've been doing a lot of creative play in the house and out and about, impatiently waiting for winter to end. Libby has taken to starting her day by painting. It's actually really fantastic, and I think it's great that she has taken such a love of painting. She is now only going to preschool two days a week, and the other 5 days of the week she eats her breakfast and then spends about 45 minutes painting. Makenzie is loving painting as well, and likes using a think brush to water paint, or doodling with markers on a piece of paper taped to her high chair. Her scribbles are starting to look more deliberate, and she loves watching her streaks appear on the paper.

I'm also excited about trying a project I saw here. (Actually, I intend to do several projects I found there, including felt notebooks this weekend. I bet the girls would LOVE those!) We have a stack of felt sheets at home, but we've been pretty limited with our felt use--mostly just as accents on other projects.

I just ordered some new felt from here and can't wait to get started on making some felt beads with the girls. I am sure they will love the process--it looks like it will be fun for all of us!

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